Rowing Queensland and Rowing Australia charge a capitation fee per participant per annum which encompasses several crucial areas and services essential for the growth and sustenance of rowing:

  1. Compliance and Governance: Proactive engagement with governing bodies like the Australian Sports Commission (ASC), Australian Olympic Committee (AOC), Paralympic Committee, and Commonwealth Games Australia to ensure compliance, inclusivity, and the sport's progression.

  2. Local, National and Global Representation: Advocating for diverse representation by actively engaging with key commissions and working groups, contributing to the strategic objective of expanding rowing on a state, national and global scale and engaging new and diverse participants.

  3. Investment in Innovation: Channeling resources for growth initiatives, fostering early involvement in digital platforms like Row Nation and Coastal Rowing, encouraging innovation within the sport.

  4. Operational Infrastructure: Sustaining the sport's infrastructure for administration, governance, compliance, and overall operational functionality, including facilitating diverse state-wide and national events across different rowing disciplines.

  5. Education and Programs: Enabling participant experiences through coach and official accreditation, educational initiatives, and support for sporting school programs.

  6. Adherence to Sports Integrity: Meeting ongoing requirements of Sports Integrity Australia, the National Sports Tribunal, and participant obligations within the National Redress Scheme to ensure integrity and accountability within the sport.

  7. Commercial Development: Supporting commercial initiatives such as database and participant management, media and communications strategies, partnership development, and comprehensive commercial planning for the growth of the sport holistically.

  8. Insurance: Prticiapnts of Rowing Queensland recieve Personal Accident Insurance as part of thier capitation fees.


Participant Fees

Individual participant categories, encompassing the essential components covered by the capitation fee levied by Rowing Queensland (RQ) and Rowing Australia (RA) are as follows, and are payable at the time of participants joining a Club or School at the commencement of each rowing year, on top of any fees deemed payable by Club's or Schools:


2024 Participant Categories RQ Capitation Fee   
(GST Incl.)
RA Capitation Fee   
(GST Incl.)
Total Payable   
(GST Incl.)
Senior Competitive Rower (SEQ) $103.50 $44 $147.50
Senior Competitive Rower (Regional) $77.50 $44 $121.50
Junior Competitive Rower (SEQ) $75.00 $- $75.00
Junior Competitive Rower (Regional) $62.00 $- $62.00
Recreational Rower $44.00 $- $44.00
School Rower (2 term school rowing program + school Championship events) $23.00 $- $23.00
Learn to Row (3 months, no competition) $16.00 $- $16.00
Corporate Rower (3 months + 1 competition) $23.00 $- $23.00
Visitor Row (1 week) $16.00 $- $16.00
Coach $23.00 $- $23.00
Cox $23.00 $- $23.00


Capitation Period

The capitation period for Rowing Queensland runs from January 1st to December 31st each year. This annual cycle ensures that participants of Clubs and Schools can enjoy uninterrupted access to the benefits of participation, including participation in events, networking opportunities, resource access, and various support services. Capitation initiated at any point within this period is valid until the end of December, providing a consistent and streamlined framework for engagement with the rowing community throughout the calendar year.




Becoming a member of Rowing Queensland offers schools, clubs, and associates a range of benefits. Membership provides access to a supportive community and resources, including:

  1. Event Participation: Members can participate in rowing events, competitions, and regattas organised or supported by Rowing Queensland.

  2. Networking Opportunities: Membership facilitates networking with other rowing entities, creating opportunities for collaboration, sharing best practices, and building a strong rowing network.

  3. Resource Access: Members gain access to resources, guidelines, and information related to rowing, helping schools, clubs, and associations stay informed and enhance their rowing programs.

  4. Training and Development: Rowing Queensland may offer training programs, workshops, and development opportunities for coaches, athletes, and administrators, contributing to the overall growth of rowing expertise.  

  5. Recognition and Support: Being a member demonstrates a commitment to the sport, and Rowing Queensland may provide recognition, support, and assistance to member schools, clubs, and associations.

  6. Representation: Membership ensures that the interests and concerns of schools, clubs, and associations are represented within the broader rowing community, influencing decisions and policies. For more detail

  7. Insurance Coverage: Depending on the membership, schools, clubs, and associations benefit from insurance coverage, including liability and safety measures during rowing activities.  More detail on our insurance: 

  8. Promotion and Visibility: Rowing Queensland may promote member schools, clubs, and associations, increasing visibility within the rowing community and potentially attracting more participants and supporters.  Follow us on socials Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and sign up for our regular news updates.

By joining Rowing Queensland, schools, clubs, and associations can actively contribute to the growth and development of rowing in the region while enjoying the collective advantages that come with membership.



Find some infromation about our database here:

Revolutionise Sporting FAQ


Membership Classes

Rowing Queensland offers various membership classes to cater to different entities within the rowing community. These classes include:

  1. School: Designed for schools actively involved in rowing, this class provides educational institutions with access to support for programs, events, and resources.

  2. Club: Tailored for rowing clubs, this membership class supports clubs in their organisational and operational aspects, facilitating participation in rowing activities.

  3. Association: This class is intended for rowing associations, allowing them to be part of the broader rowing network and engage in collaborative initiatives.

Each membership class is structured to meet the specific needs and roles of its members within the rowing ecosystem.  If you are unsure what membership class you fit within  or when you should register, please ask.



To join Rowing Queensland as a Member School, follow these steps:

  1. Authorisation: Obtain authorisation from the relevant authorities within the school for the membership.

  2. Submission: Provide all necessary details and documentation as required by Rowing Queensland for the membership.

  3. Invoice Payment: The school will be issued an annual Membership Invoice of $330.00 (incl GST). Ensure timely payment of the invoice to complete the membership process.  

  4. Acknowledgement:  By applying to become a member school of Rowing Queensland Ltd, the school will comply with the Rowing Queensland Constitution, By-laws, Policies and the rules of competition for the Rowing Queensland series of regattas. Please refer to the website

Register your school HERE



To join Rowing Queensland as a Member Club, follow these steps:

  1. Authorisation: Obtain authorisation from the relevant committee members and stakeholders for the membership.

  2. Submission: Provide all necessary details and documentation as required by Rowing Queensland for the membership.

  3. Invoice Payment: The club will be issued an annual Membership Invoice of $440.00 (incl GST). Ensure timely payment of the invoice to complete the membership process.  

  4. Acknowledgement:  By applying to become a member club of Rowing Queensland Ltd, the club will comply with the Rowing Queensland Constitution, By-laws, Policies and the rules of competition for the Rowing Queensland series of regattas. Please refer to the website

Register your club HERE



To join Rowing Queensland as a Member Associate, follow these steps:

  1. Authorisation: Obtain authorisation from the relevant authorities within the association for the membership.

  2. Submission: Provide all necessary details and documentation as required by Rowing Queensland for the membership.

  3. Invoice Payment: The school will be issued an annual Membership Invoice of $220.00 (incl GST). Ensure timely payment of the invoice to complete the membership process.  

  4. Acknowledgement:  By applying to become a member school of Rowing Queensland Ltd, the association will comply with the Rowing Queensland Constitution, By-laws, Policies and the rules of competition for the Rowing Queensland series of regattas. Please refer to the website

Register your association HERE


Membership Period

The membership period for Rowing Queensland runs from January 1st to December 31st each year. This annual cycle ensures that schools, clubs, and associations can enjoy uninterrupted access to the benefits of membership, including participation in events, networking opportunities, resource access, and various support services. Membership initiated at any point within this period is valid until the end of December, providing a consistent and streamlined framework for engagement with the rowing community throughout the calendar year.